Sunday 9 September 2007

Ordnance Survey Maps - Part 1

This begins my journey of understanding the GB Grid System and Ordnance Survey Maps. I fully admit to being a newbie on this subject. But hopefully I'll stumble along and find my way. :)

If you do a search for the ordnance survey maps, you'll find that you can purchase them at a number of places. Online and on-site at various parks (although the ones at the parks will normally only be the map for their area which may or may not be what you are after).

I already had the OS 28 map for Dartmoor. So I purchased the OS map for my area. Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be many letterboxes around here, so I won't get much experience with mapping out clues on it. But as it is likely to get a fair amount of use in just getting us from point A to point B, I opted for the laminated version. I suspect the laminated version of OS 28 would be quite desirable if you plan on using the clues in the Dartmoor letterbox catalogue. It appears you have to draw things out when orienting yourself to box locations. (More on this when I get to Dartmoor next time and try it out). And also the laminated version (or even a map cover will work if the the laminated version doesn't work for you) will keep from ruining your map on a rainy day.

Next, I've been searching for some online aids on using the maps. I found this to be very helpful on at least understanding the grid system: -

Now that I have a map and an understanding of the grid system, let's try to understand how letterbox clues are written and how to find them on a map. . .coming in Part 2.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to be pedantic but as a former surveyor I want to point out the national survey organisation of Great Britain is the Ordnance Survey (no I). It is so called because mapping was originally carried out by and for the artillery or the ordnance of the army. An ordinance (with an I)is a official decree or order.

Jen said...

Ooops! Taken care of. Thanks.