Friday 14 September 2007

The Hedgehogs of Surrey

Had a great lead-in for this new series today. . .I actually got to pet a hedgehog! Simon Cowell of Wildlife Aid (and the 11yr TV series 'Wildlife SOS') was at the kids school today as they were picked as the schools charity for the year. He brought along a little friend for everyone to meet and I got to talk to Simon and pet the hedgie.

This brings me to introduce a new letterbox series ' The Hedgehogs of Surrey'. I have a handful of hedgehog stamps carved by US letterboxing friends. Each has been given a name, and I will be hiding them around Surrey. Collect them all! Since I want to spread them out across the county, it will take some time to place every one. So stay tuned if you're keen to get them!

Oh, and for the record, hedgehogs are quite small - can fit in your 2 hands together. Their spines aren't too spikey actually. They feel more like a coarse scrub brush. Interestingly, in relation to my last post, hedgehogs can get FMD too! Look at this notice from Wildlife Aid's website:

"Following a further local outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease, we must comply with the following DEFRA advice:

With immediate effect and until further notice Wildlife Aid will be unable to take in either hedgehogs or deer. Please do not attempt to bring either species to the hospital but call for advice instead.

We can still attend call-outs for both hedgehogs and deer within the exclusion zone, but as certain restrictions are in place concerning the treatment and movement of these animals we will deal with requests on a case-by case basis. Again please call for advice.

We suggest if you need help with injured deer or hedgehog that you call Defra on 08459 335577. We apologise for this inconvenience but hope you understand the situation."

So, in support of the cute little hedgehogs who used to only have to be concerned with badgers getting them, and now are getting destroyed by man, look for the upcoming Surrey Hedgehog series.

Want to HEAR a hedgehog? Go here:

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