Thursday 13 September 2007

FMD - It's Baaaaccckkk!

Just when you thought it was safe. Just when Bessie started talking to Elsie over the the fence again. Foot and Mouth is back. As your on the scene (relatively speaking) local, we're facing another bout of this dreaded disease down here. Boo. The latest outbreak is fairly close to both Windsor and Heathrow. In fact, the geocache I found last week by Windsor Great Park is now unavailable because of FMD precautions in that area. (Oh no, do you think the Queen picked it up? One of the corgis? :)

The red surveillance zone signs only came down this past Monday from the last round. Then, 2 days later, it's found somewhere else. Last I heard, they were fingering a truck that picked it up on its tires at the Pirbright lab and then 'deposited' (for lack of a more entertaining work) it on the farm. Hmmm. I bet there's going to be in lawsuit in that one.

I'm still thinking the widespread use of farmlands for walking is a contributing factor. In the states, you're not allowed to walk across someone's field. Trespassing. In the UK, you can walk anywhere nearly. It's really fantastic, but hopefully not causing any harm.

Regardless, I'm still getting messages from my mom in the states saying, "Don't eat the beef!"

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