Tuesday 26 April 2011

Coffee Tips

Ran across this great article from Freakonomics on how to make the perfect cup of coffee with a French press.

I was all excited to try it out when I realized my French press got packed up when we moved house at end of last year and it now is lost in a box in a storage unit. Booooo!

Oh well, I'll get it sometime. Meanwhile, here's the link for you to check it out:


Monday 25 April 2011

Garden: Planting Schedule

Ran across this Planting Schedule by Mel Bartholomew online for raised bed gardening. Nice chart to plan your veggies for the year.

Saturday 2 April 2011

iPhone: Gardening Apps

On one of the gardening blogs I enjoy reading, they did a post on the best gardening iPhone apps that is very informative. As we now in the thick of springtime and enjoying the emergence of flowers and bees and visits to the garden centers, here is the link to check out these apps and website:

My Garden School iPhone Garden Apps