Friday 13 June 2008

Coffee Rookie

Thank God there are like a zillion Starbucks in England. Otherwise I would just have to go mad over trying to make my own at home.

In the states, we had bought a really nice Keurigs machine back in 2006. It was beautiful. I ordered a bunch of the k-cups with all their wonderful flavors. I ordered some teas and hot chocolate. I even got the attachment part so I could put my own ground coffee in it. It was like the coolest thing. Mr. and I didn't even fight over who had to make the coffee either! Success!

So, when we moved here I naturally brought it with us. I would just get a converter to power conversion and continue using it. First obstacle turned out to be that they won't ship the k-cups out of the US. No! Boo! But I figured I could sweet talk my mom into helping me out with getting them here. Then I called a place I found over here who sells the US to UK power converters. He completely blew me off and said 'get a machine over here'. What? No, you don't understand. I spent an arm and a leg on this specific coffee machine. We love it. We want to use it. I don't want a UK one. Then he told me what the cost of the power converter was going to be. It was the same as the machine nearly. Sad. Sad. I finally packed up my nice Keurig after about a month and shipped it to my mom for her to use. Sigh. Then I did nothing.

After finding Starbucks, I just went there and other places and gave up on the whole machine at home. Okay, don't laugh, but we used. . .instant coffee. I know. I know. Have we no taste?! But, I admit, it was actually pretty good.

Then one day I was having coffee with one of the new moms I've met at her house, and she pulls out this huge silver contraption. It was some sort of manual high-end coffee press. I watched her use it and then had some of the best coffee I have ever had. Well, this thing was out of the question for us. Way too expensive and way too much work plus it was like 2ft x 2ft in size. But I started to take notice of what others where using to make their coffee and found out this french press (see photo) is most popular thing. They're quite cheap, so I got one to try out.(I still haven't seen one coffee machine at anyone's house.)

It's really not too bad to use. I already make my tea directly from leaves so pouring grounds and using the little device wasn't an issue.

The issue is. . .I just can't get the right mix. I've tried numerous beans. Numerous mixes of water to scoops. Different 'brew' times. And I just can't get a taste I like. So, that silly little press has been moved to the back of the cabinet. Enter phase 3.

Since I so loved our old coffee machine using the pre-measured cups, I thought I'd go that route again. Research. Research. Do you know that no one in England actually drinks any flavored coffees? LOL. Okay, that was harsh. But I can't find anyone who makes these cups in any sort of flavor. No vanilla or caramel or anything. Boo. After much debate, I decided to just go ahead and get a machine anyway and add syrups if needed.

In conclusion, we'll have had whole beans, partial ground beans (did I mention I burned up our US grinder? I guess the wattage exceeded the converter), instant coffee, and a coffee machine. And I still can't get a decent cup. Hope the new machine works out.

Anyone for a cup of coffee?


Anonymous said...

I love my French Press. Let the coffee steep for exactly 4 minutes. I always put just a bit more coffee per cup of water than I do in my regular coffee pot. What a pain they are to clean, but a great cup of coffee! MO5

dbltall said...

We have a Keurigs machine at work - it's marvellous!

No arguments over who took the last cup and didn't make more, no fussing about who has to clean the pot, no layer of burned-on gunk at the bottom of the glass carafe - just a fresh individual cup of coffee every time!

Work suppliies the flavoured ones as well as the normal coffee ones, so each person can have the kind they like.
I agree with Sid in the comic User Friendly:
"Coffee already HAS a flavour. It's coffee-flavoured!"