Wednesday 20 June 2007

Great Lakes Gathering Recap

I headed out to Columbus, Ohio back on the weekend of June 2nd for the Great Lakes Gathering. I lived in Columbus for a few years eons ago, so it was fun to see some familiar places again. The weather wasn't so great - rain off and on. My hotel booked me into a smoking room which nearly ruined the trip for me, but I was again to get in at another hotel down the road.

Early Saturday I got up and drove to the park which was 20mins or so north of where I was staying. Stopped and got Starbucks (or Fourbucks as I've heard it called) and some drinks and lunch. I always like to be prepared ahead of time with plenty of cold liquids and some snack food. Since it was hot out, I did my usual out-of-state routine. . .stop at a convenience store and buy one of those styrofoam coolers for about $5 the night before, fill it up with ice from the hotel that morning and your drinks and food items, use for the weekend (wonderful to come off the trails on a hot day and have cold drinks ready in your car!) Then toss it before heading back home on the plane. Works for me!

Anyway, this was another one of those types of gathering where there are a lot of people, but I didn't see too many on the trails. Things picked up in the afternoon so I assume most folks were doing exchanges first, then heading out. Of course, that's when the rain and a little storm picked up too. I got back to the shelter just in time.

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