Tuesday 2 September 2008

New Fun & Games

Well, the end of summer is here at last. School starts back this week. I'm another year older. And we're starting year 2 of living in England. Whew.

Summer vacation was 2 wks of fun. We did Disneyland Paris for 4 days. Then back in the UK, we went to: Legoland, Chessington World of Adventure, Coral Reef in Bracknell, Drusillas Park, the London Eye, and the London Zoo. I think of this group, our fav was Chessington. It had the most rides which seems to be the biggest kick.

For my birthday, I got one of the new iPhone 3Gs. Yeah! I really loved my Palm, but this iPhone is cool. I just found some of the new geocaching applications for it, so once I'm up to speed I'll report back on that and let you know how it goes.

And for even more fun & games, I've really gotten into Second Life. (If you haven't tried this before, you should definately give it a go. This is where many future games, socials, and business will head - into the virtual world. Doesn't cost anything to start. But you will spend some money on all the extras down the road - only if you want - like clothes and such.) I'm really enjoying it - have found and/or tried: scuba diving, skydiving, golf, horseback riding, yacht/sailing, cars, pubs, searching for the Loch Ness Monster, skiing, skating, flying helicopters & planes, RPGs of various sorts like Harry Potter/Hogwarts, finding worlds withing this world like mermaids, elfs, gors, etc., and visiting cities from around the world and then going to 'Washington' to discuss politics. Oh, and driving around on my chopper. lol. I mean, it is endless! A neat way to meet people, or just wander about on your own exploring which is more my speed. And celebs are slowly getting into the action - U2, Aerosmith, tons of new bands, and various politicians and others all have been there.

I've tried finding both a letterbox and a geocache in Second Life. More about that in another post.

So. . .its all fun and games for TeamKing - as always. Anything fun happening your way? Let me know if you have any comments on iPhone or SL. Would love to hear from you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That iPhone with geo support looks really cool. I have a frustrating time scrolling and scrolling through AQ on a BlackBerry. I'd love to see what AQ looks like on the iPhone. I wish Ryan would support PDAs more. Less paper printing.