Wednesday 16 April 2008

Your Favorite Blogs & the NY Times Crossword

Continuing on the last post . . .

I love hearing about new and fun blogs. Got any good ones you really like? Tell me! Tell me!

Of course, most blogs tend to be specific to a certain area, i.e. computer lovers writing about computer stuff. Or, if they aren't specific, then they are sort of what I call 'a day in the life' blogs. Someone writing about what they did today, etc. These can be great either because you like the person, or you just enjoy their writing - meaning they could write about anything and you'd read it.

The blogs I follow tend to be the specific kind. Usually I pick up on a blog after becoming interested in a new subject.

Case in point: The New York Times Crossword Puzzle

After watching the movie, Wordplay, I started getting interested in crossword puzzles. I have fond memories of my grandma sitting in her comfy rocking chair in her bedroom in the afternoons and working the daily puzzle in the newspaper. But I never was interested in doing them myself. Never. But after the movie, I found out that my mom does the crosswords, and my cousin, and my other grandma used to do them too, and so on. . .hmmm. Give it a go, I said.

We don't get the paper daily here like we did in Houston, so I had to find another source for puzzles. Enter the NY Times. The cream of the crop in crosswords. Yep, you can get an online crossword only subscription and get the daily puzzle. (Not to confuse with the NY Times puzzles you get in your local papers - those are syndicated and run something like 1-2wks behind when they originally appeared in the Times.) So, now I'm ATTEMPTING the crossword puzzle daily. Since these are like serious level puzzles, I definately need some help. After digging around a bit, I found some good blogs where the real fans do the puzzles daily and then report on it in their blog. I love it! Not only can I get help on answers, but they tend to explain the puzzles theme.

Now that's the sort of blogs I like - ones that address whatever hobby, interest, project, commentary, etc. I'm interested in.

I'll dig around and list some others I like concerning letterboxing/geocaching/related activities.

How about you? Blogs? Blogs? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

My favorite blog of all is mom2my6pack (Otherwise known as "BECAUSE I SAID SO") I just find it funny that someone out there has more kids than I do, and comforting to know I am not the only one who finds toys in the freezer and marker drawings on the toilet. MO5

Jen said...

LOL. I can't imagine why you'd like that one. . .

Just pulled it up to read and thought it was good. (Couldn't get my RSSFWD to work on it though - another RSS/Atom issue that's above my head. Oh well - I'll keep checking back on it.) Thanks for the info! She seems like that mom on YouTube video singing. :)