Friday 3 October 2008

Wanted: Clothes for the Rest of Us

Every once in a while I run across a funny website or blog that either makes me laugh, tweaks my curiousity, or just seems to hit the nail on the head. After having a depressed moment with clothes one day, I found myself looking on the web for some articles on fashion for the non-stick figure women. (You are aware that it has repeatedly been said that the AVG size for US women is 14/16 - no runway models there.) Anyway, no matter what your size, we all have to find things to wear. But I thought this article about what designers are doing on their end was quite interesting. And the comment about whose bodies clothes are designed for, funny (sorry to all my thin friends out there!). Well, at least it made me feel good for a while. LOL. Anyway, if you fall into the 'yes, I'm carrying a little more baggage than I would prefer but so what?! category', then read on and see if you can relate:

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