Thursday 9 December 2010

Knitting & Crocheting

I am reading a cozy mystery currently that has crocheting as its theme. The storyline seems half decent, but I really know nothing about any of the yarn crafts. Embarrassing actually as my mom is quite good at all of them, even having done her own quilt and afghans. But it never passed on to me. So, I looked up some information (good old Google) and found this - with a video too. Interesting.

I'm starting to think I want to give it a try. But which one. . .?


Anonymous said...

My dear TeamKing... I think it depends on how you learn.
If you are meticulous and learn things by directions -- do the knitting.
If you are freer and tend to learn by visual examples -- do the crochet.
Keep in mind, crochet is faster, but requires constant visual contact.
Knitting takes longer, but eventually you may be able to do it by feel alone.

Jen said...

I think I prefer the tighter look of knitting. :)