Friday 18 July 2008

Dartmoor Again

Mr. TeamKing has spent the week on his golfing outing. His brother, dad, good family friend Mike and himself. The foursome go on a weekly 'golf tour' about every other year. Last outing was in Hong Kong where brother has an office. This outing was in England. They played Wentworth, Berkshire, our local club, and then spent Thursday at the Open up around Liverpool (I think that's where it is).

In return, I'm spending 3 days at Dartmoor this month. I'm going to do my normal charity walks routine as I find this most enjoyable. I'm also hoping to hook up with a local or two but not sure it will work out as it is during the week.

I was reading about Cranmere Pool and how to get there but if you don't drive the military road to get closer, it looks like about a 10mile walk which I wouldn't mind, but not by myself - for safety reasons and in case of injury. You never know and I find I take less risks as I get older - especially with young kids. So, I'll keep that one on my 'to do' list.

I'm hoping I can get my 200 finds patch after this mini-trip. We'll see how it goes. . .

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