On Saturday night we went to the Bonfire at the kids school. We got there and ate hot dogs and mulled wine, then they lite the bonfire. (Interesting side note here, the school sent home some reminders with the younger kids to beware of hedgehogs before lighting your bonfires. Seems they crawl under the brush piles. Poor things.) While the bonfire was blazing away keeping us nice and toasty warm, they let off fireworks just off in the distance. I was surprised there wasn't the 'ooh' & 'aah' we do in the states. No one said a peep until it ended and everyone clapped. It was all very nice and social.
Then tonight we did basically the same thing at a village pub. However, they also did the burning effigy of Guys. When we walked up, we saw some people carrying their Guys. 'Look at the all the Guys!' I heard someone remark. Then, as we got up to the unlite bonfire, the man in charge yelled out, 'Bring all the Guys over here!'. So, people brought their Guys up to the bonfire pile and they were all laid out.
The best Guy was voted on, and the winner was placed at the top of the pile.
Then the bonfire was lite, and everything burned up. All the Guys were burned to death, celebrating the capture & execution of the real Guy on November 5th 1605.
And that was our first experiences with Bonfire Night.
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