First, lunch at Wellingtons Pub in Farnham. The special of the day - the same for every Sunday at most pubs - was Roast & Veg. Roast being your choice of Beef, Lamb, Chicken, or Pork. I didn't see the prices, but they must have been good. The place was filled with senior citizens.
Then, we had a nice walk and outing at Farnham Park where I placed a letterbox. No Wellington reference here. It was just close to the pub.
Finally, we headed over to Wellington Statue for a look. How could we have a Wellie boot for our sig stamp and not visit Wellingtons statue?! It was much bigger than we expected. I was able to log it as a Waymark find, then I scooted off to find the multi-cache 'Wellington's Booty' geocache. Success! We ended up leaving a Wellie Boot TB we had brought from Texas. Yeah!
So you can see what I mean by a Wellington Day!
Teamking...I am jealous when I see those beautiful pictures of what looks to be very cool weather. We are sure missing you around here, but I bet you don't miss 95 degree heat in the end of September! MO5
I sure don't! I love having this cooler weather. I haven't worn so many sweaters in Sept/Oct since I can't remember when. :)
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